The Trick To Quitting Smoking Is Not Doing It.

Hi Future Non Smoker

This may seem like a blindingly obvious statement but in my years of experience in this field it is anything but obvious.

The problem with most means of quitting smoking, is that you the smoker, are just an observer in the process. I believe this is because the quit smoking industry is mostly just another medical problem which is poorly managed through pharmaceutical drugs.

And just like much of modern medicine the patient carries on their life while expecting to be fixed by a magic tablet.

The medical profession can advise clients to make life style changes until they are blue in the face, but most people just want to keep on living their lives while the medications work their magic.

In some cases this works, and people get better in spite of themselves. But smoking is very different, because it is only in part a medical problem, i.e. partially a nicotine addiction and in most part a powerful habit it requires you to fully engage with the quitting process.

You can have a heart attack and still kick along for years eating junk food, or torture a dodgy liver with frequent alcohol and keep on living in a fashion.

I even see this attitude at times in my hypnosis clinic. A person will come in, sit down in the chair and expect me to fix them.

Or they arrive and in spite of having booked a week or more in advance they haven’t found time to do their pre-session activities or perhaps they didn’t fill in their intake form.

This rarely happens anymore as I have filtering systems in place, because It didn’t take long for me to realise that when people can to the session either unprepared or expected me to do all the work, they rarely succeeded.

I believe it was in part just wanting it to happen automatically, or they didn’t want it to work at all, but simply wanted to show others that they had tried their best.

My advice is that whatever method you choose, commit yourself fully to the process, don’t expect anyone to fix it for you. As I say to my clients, hypnosis is an agreement between to people, each of us has a role to play. All you have to do is completely expect to succeed and I will bring all my skills to the party.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim, Sought Brisbane or Toowoomba, or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

PS To achieve your Ideal Weight Click Here

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.