You Know You Need To Quit Smoking…So What!

Hi Future Non Smoker

You know you should quit smoking…so what! We are all doing things we probably shouldn’t, but we keep on doing them, the question is why?

If you have a deadline in a month there is an awareness of the time, but when that deadline becomes tomorrow, and now you are interested, your focus is tuned in and you are probably a bit stressed as the hours count down.

One problem with smoking is that the deadline is hidden and so the sense of urgency is difficult muster until a taste of the deadline hits you right in the face.

This is usually in the way of scary diagnosis, but if you are listening the taste comes in many ways such as labored breathing or a persistent cough.

The problem is often this warning is discounted as just a normal bi-product of smoking and it’s to be expected and so what every smoker has a cough.

Most smokers know about the health risks and are well aware of the social cost and inconvenience of smoking, so knowledge obviously isn’t enough.

A better way to think about it is to think about your life and what is important and what do you value. While you may claim that health is an important value the fact that you keep smoking means that health isn’t a high priority.

The leverage you may need to quit is that you have suddenly become aware that health must be a high value. You may have been diagnosed with a problem,  perhaps someone you know may be ill or dying from smoking, maybe you are going to have a new child or a grandchild, or you have decided to play a sport and just want more energy.

Now health suddenly shifts to high value. Other values which can shift from low or medium to high are family.

Your employment situation may make smoking too difficult so the value of convenience becomes more important, or maybe what other people think about you, your image at work etc drives you on.

So instead of just thinking about how you need to quit smoking, transfer your thoughts to what is really important in your life and how smoking will limit you from having the benefits of that value.

So take some time to list out the values in your life and then focus on the most important of them.

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, or Buderim on the Sunshine Coast

For your Free online 30 day Energy & Wellness Challenge click here


Ian Newton



About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.