Quitting Smoking…Get your Body Involved As Well as your Mind

Hi Future Non Smoker Hypnosis is very successful for quitting smoking, but it is not the total picture. Hypnosis works on changing your unconscious links to smoking, e.g. smoking and coffee.  But you can make the process even more powerful by changing your posture and your breathing. Research shows that both movement and breathing can…

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Quit Smoking…Failure Is Just Feedback

Hi Future Non Smoker Most smokers who find their way to my hypnosis clinic and tried to quit before with various success. Some have tried many times, some succeeded for a while and some not at all. In life we try to make many changes, some stick and some don’t, but it is what happens…

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Quit Smoking…I’m Not a Non Smoker Yet

Hi Future Non-Smoker But I’m not a non smoker yet was the response I received from a client hen I gave her some instructions prior to her hypnosis session. The instruction was simple, it was for her to think of herself as a non smoker. Of course she was still smoking so this may sound…

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Quitting Smoking And Big Upsets.

Hi Future Non Smoker Most smokers recognise that they use cigarettes to manage stress. Unfortunately nicotine isn’t actually very useful for this but smoking does distract your thoughts for a few moments. After you quit it is important to have a plan in place to deal with any big upsets which come your way. A…

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Quitting Smoking…Why Hypnosis Is Your Best Option

Hi Future Non Smoker There are lots of good research reasons why hypnosis is your best quit smoking option, such as a meta study of 600 studies showing that hypnosis is 15 times as successful as cold turkey and three times better than nicotine replacement therapy. But there are even better reasons for using hypnosis.…

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Quitting Smoking…Success Belief & Compliance.

Hi Future Non Smoker Recently I spoke to a client a few days after I worked with him for both smoking and alcohol. He was smoking an average of 45 roll your own per day, and drinking 10-20 beers each evening. I had helped him 5 years ago but his work situation had led him…

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Quit Smoking…Cigarettes, Bacon And Women’s Liberation.

Hi Future Non Smoker What do Bacon and eggs, public relations and women smoking have in common? They all have one man to thank them for. When the pork industry was trying to sell more bacon an advertising genius Eddie the nephew of Sigmund Freud, sought medical support that a hearty breakfast was best for…

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How To Remain A Non Smoker

Hi Future Non Smoker Up front, I need to say that in my 25 years of working with smokers that hypnosis is by far and away the most successful way to quit smoking. But remaining a non-smoker is another issue, because life keeps on throwing up problems for us and as a non-smoker it is…

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Quit Smoking…Change Your Brain & Your Body

Hi Future Non Smoker As a smoker I’m sure you have heard over and over about the effects on your lungs and the risks of various nasty cancers, but have you spared a thought for your brain? Many smokers have told me that smoking helps them to think, or at least to concentrate. And while…

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Quitting Smoking…What Is Stopping You from Taking Action.

Hi Future Non Smoker Every human being in some area of their life struggles with taking the action they know they need to take to solve a problem. The rare individuals who claim self-mastery are probably just lying to themselves. How often do we hear of leaders or captains of industry who seem to have…

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