Quitting Marijuana…Why Is It So Bad For some People?

Hi Future Non Marijuana Smoker Regularly my quit smoking clients tell me they smoke marijuana and many of them want to quit that as well. Who knows why it is bad for some people but it just is. So need to quit because it is a trigger for their cigarette smoking, but many report that…

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Quit Smoking… Could You Be 50% Healthier?

Hi Future Non Smoker I wonder how much healthier you will be in 12 months if you quit smoking in the next week? Would you be 50% healthier or maybe more. How about fitness, I will guess you will be 100% fitter in a year. Most smoker don’t exercise a lot because they think, what’s…

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Quit Smoking…How Superheros Can Help You

Hi Future Non Smoker. One of the most viewed TED talks in history is Amy Cuddy talking about how standing like Wonder Woman can help you to feel more confident. She is a psychologist who specialises in studying how human posture can affect our emotions and our wellbeing. In short standing up straight with your…

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Beer Blokes Sport & 7 Steps To Quit smoking

Hi Future Non Smoker   Some things seem to go together and for male smokers it is often sport and friends. For some these things are so bound up together that it is hard to separate them. In these situations they don’t need to do the polite thing and go outside for a smoke. The…

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Quit Smoking… What Is Your Identity

Hi future Non Smoker How you perceive yourself and the words you use to describe yourself could be critical to your quit smoking success. Most smokers would say “I am a smoker” this implies that they clearly identify as a smoker. Unconsciously that means that quitting will be harder because in order to do so…

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Quitting Smoking…And Your Hormone Health

Hi Future Non Smoker A side effect of smoking you may not have considered is the effect on estrogen. Nicotine or the combination  of the thousands of toxic chemicals in a burning cigarette can reduce or completely cancel the effect of orally administered oestrogens. This can increase hot flushes and raise cholesterol and therefore make…

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Quitting Smoking…Weighing up Emotions

Hi Future Non Smoker So you smoke to manage your stress, which is very common. When you feel anxious, or overwhelmed you light a smoke, when you feel angry or sad you might smoke, or perhaps when you feel depressed or lonely, bored you smoke. Or maybe you smoke to relax and just let go.…

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Quitting Smoking For Your Future Self

Hi Future Non Smoker Today you may be thinking about quitting smoking, but chances are that you are still thinking how much you like smoking or at least wondering how you could manage without cigarettes. It has been said that people generally over estimate what we can do in the short term and under estimate…

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Quit Smoking…Have you Ever Been Really Sick?

Hi Future Non Smoker As I write this article I have had a stomach bug for 9 hours. It started at 3 am in the morning and I feel rubbish to say the least. Nauseous, aching and exhausted it’s been a long day and unfortunately it’s not over yet. This got me thinking about what…

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Quit Smoking…What Is Your Smoking Conflict?

Hi Future Non Smoker Most mornings I walk down by the river in my city. There are lots of people walking running and cycling. One man stands out, he is about 50 and is wears the full cycling outfit. Like a lot of riders his age his tight outfit struggles to contain his girth. But…

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